A Newcomer’s Guide to London

Twelve quirky ‘facts’ about the city we call home, by NVP

Black cabs will not necessarily stop, even if their light is on to say they’re available.

If you want to visit a ‘typical’ London pub, choose very carefully. They are not all quaint.

English people like talking about the weather as much as Italians like talking about food.

A shop that sells books is called a book shop, not a library – this is something quite different.

If in doubt say sorry; it’s a word Brits use a lot.

Many English people consider it completely normal to wear flip-flops in the middle of winter.

Most Englishmen are not inclined to go for a manicure or pedicure (despite their love of year round, open toed footwear) so be prepared for some strange looks if you do.

Potato chips are called crisps and come in every bizarre flavour known to man.

Although the London food scene is now ‘a thing’, many Brits still insist on splashing cheap vinegar onto chips – that’s fries, to you. Keep up.

Contrary to popular belief, it actually rains a lot more in Zurich and Milan than it does in London.

White vans are to be feared when crossing the road.

Brits love saying Bon Appetit. Just go with it.

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